Monday, December 16, 2013

Strong Memorial and a bug that just won't quit

As a lot of you know, Carsyn was recently hospitalized. He just WILL NOT keep his food down. and it's frustrating. After a couple of nights of me calling the doctor on Call at Rochester's Strong Memorial Hospital they decided since I'm so worried that he should come into the clinic so they could check him out.

His pediatrician on the other hand wanted him to go to Buffalo. I think you know where I told them to stick that idea.

So we drive the three hours out to Strong for us to find that Carsyn not only lost weight, but he wants to show the Doctor exactly what he's been doing at home. He vomited all over the room. Needless to say they decided it was best for him to be admitted.

This was one of my better stays at a hospital, and that's saying a lot considering Carsyn's relationship with the ER.

The doctors and nurses were absolutely WONDERFUL. I have never met so many doctors, nurses and attendants (Hell, even the janitors) that were so polite and just all around outstanding people. I really can't even put into words how much I love this hospital.

God, I felt sick writing that last sentence. We have way too many hospital stays under our belt.

I can't even remember when we went in. I've been either home with him or at the hospital. I haven't left the house except to make Christmas cookies on my birthday. One day. So my days are running together at this point.

But for real, these people are amazing at this hospital. They did tests, they listened to my concerns and really worked to get me the answers I wanted. We had doctors in our room all day, and most of the night. Which for any other stay I would have been annoyed with, but we had no clue what was going on. So I am so grateful they worked so quickly.

So Carsyn finally kept down some food and pedialyte. they sent us home and he did really well for a while. and by a while I mean maybe 5 days. He's throwing his food back up. Apparently this year is horrible when it comes to GI issues.

I really hope we don't end up back in the hospital, but this is the worst bug he has ever had. Ever. I'm ranking this up with a shunt malfunction (which it's not). That's how freaking scary this is.

We have been trying our HARDEST to keep him healthy. Lysol'd the house when we got home. Didn't let hardly anyone into our house and took vitamin c tablets for ourselves so we wouldn't catch it and give it back. Us getting it was not a huge concern. Carsyn getting over this was.

It's sad when you get to the point that you're used to vomit. I haven't heard him giggle, or seen him kick his legs since this all began. Shoot, I've only heard him actually make a noise once or twice since this started.

I have to go back to work Wednesday, and I'm not sure what's going to happen at this point. I hope I don't have to take him back to the hospital.

This is stressful.

and all I want to do is curl up and cry. but I can't,. not because I feel like I shouldn't. but because I need to stay sane for Carsyn. I can't break down, not yet.

We took 3 steps forward and 2 right back in the wrong direction.

I'll update soon.

<3 until next time

“ Being disabled should not mean being disqualified from having access to every aspect of life" 
-- Emma Thompson

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